Information about Bildungsspender

Thank you for considering supporting us through Bildungsspender (‘Education Donor’) More than 1600 online shops are registered with Bildungsspender, who donate a portion of the profit from each purchase to non-profit organisations. That means next time you buy something on, for example, eBay, you can make a donation from eBay possible without paying anything extra or donating anything yourself. Even vacations booked online can help us out!

How does it work?

The most important thing is that the next time you purchase something online, you access the site through our Bildungsspender page. There you will find a list of the most common online shops and a search function (‘Suchen’) to find out if a specific site is supported by Bildungsspender. The following video demonstrates how you do that (audio only in German).




Remind Yourself to Support Us with the Shop-Alarm

There is a Bildungsspender Shop-Alarm, that displays in your browser whether or not an online shop participates. More information can be found at the Bildungsspender Shop-Alarm website. The following video demonstrates the installation process (audio only in German).
